Archives for March 2020

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – What you need to know

Welcome to our page about the Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19). We will use this site to keep you up to date on the preparations being taken at Ortonville Area Health Services and Fairway View Senior Communities as well as any important local information we feel you should know about. Please bookmark this page to continue to see the latest local updates.

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

On Monday, September 14th, all of our 160 FWV staff and contracted staff who serve our residents at Fairway View Senior Communities completed our first round of COVID-testing as required by Medicare. We are pleased to share that all 160 staff members tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19. This is wonderful news! We are so appreciative of all that our staff gives of themselves to serve and protect our residents. Thank you to everyone in our organization and community who continues to take the necessary precautions to limit the spread of COVID and protect our seniors and those most vulnerable.

The next round of weekly testing, as required by Medicare, will take place on Monday. Per Medicare, effective September 2nd, all 15,600 nursing homes, serving 1.5 million residents across the United States, are required to test all staff for COVID-19 at least one time per month to at most twice per week based on the positivity rate in our county.

Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

OAHS CEO was on KDIO this morning and shared the latest updates on COVID-19 in our area.


Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Due to COVID-19 and the push for social distancing most insurance coverages are allowing you to have a telephone or video visit instead of an in person visit (coinsurance and deductible apply). If you are concerned about having an in person visit please call 320-839-6157 to see if you would qualify for a telephone or video visit. Ortonville Area Health Services is dedicated to providing you and our community quality care in a safe and appropriate manner.

First reported cases in Big Stone and Lac Qui Parle counties.

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

Message from the Medical Staff at OAHS:
We have been hearing from some of you tonight about concerns and worries. OAHS is committed to keeping our communities safe. We are prepared, we have a plan, we will take care of you. There are some things that you can do to help us. First is if you have fever or cough or shortness of breath please call your healthcare provider to discuss whether you need to come in to be seen. Keep in mind even if we test you today it may be several days before we have the result. For most patients the test result does not change the recommended course of action which is go home and self-isolate yourself. Second, please maintain social distance, there are sound reasons why we recommend it. Third, try and limit your exposure by only taking necessary trips outside your home. Keep in mind the more you interact with the public, this increases your chance of infection. When you go to the store and open the door or touch other objects think about the number of people who could have touched that object over the previous 3 hours. Lastly, practice good hand washing or use of hand sanitizer. Again, we are prepared, we have a plan and we will take care of you, please help us in this mission.

The OAHS Medical Staff


Community Call to Action……Can You Sew Us these Masks?
We may have a long battle with COVID ahead and we need to think ahead when it comes to protective masks. Tag someone who lives in our area or reach out to them by phone who can sew us some masks.
Comment or PM us if you can help.

THURsday, March 19th, 2020

OAHS CEO Dave Rogers and Twila Mursu PMHNP gave updates on COVID-19 and shared tips on maintaining good mental health through this this trying time.

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

Today Jon Rogers was on KDIO to give an update on COVID-19

Monday, March 16th, 2020






Friday, March 13th, 2020

For the safety of everyone at Fairway View Senior Communities, beginning today March 13, 2020, visitors will no longer be allowed on the Fairway View Campus.

For more information please call 320-487-4398.


If you have concerns about the symptoms related to COVID-19 or the flu, we ask that you please give us a call at 320-839-6157 before you come in for an appointment. Calling ahead allows us to ask additional questions to help direct you to the proper course of action.

For more information on COVID-19 please click the link below.

Do you know the proper way to put on a mask?

Put on the N95 respirator.

  1. Hold the respirator in the palm of your hand with the straps facing the floor.
  2. Place the N95 respirator on your face covering your nose and mouth.
  3. Pull the bottom strap up and over top of your head, and put it behind your head below your ears.
  4. Take the upper strap and put it behind your head towards the crown of your head.
  5. Mold the nose piece of the respirator over the bridge of your nose to obtain a tight seal. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for wearing a respirator.
  6. Perform a fit check to ensure there is a good seal against the skin.


Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Click below to listen to today’s KDIO interview with Dr. Al Ross, Clinic director, Liz Sorenson, and OAHS CEO, Dave Rogers as they discuss Coronavirus and how it is affecting Ortonville Area Health Services and Fairway View Senior Communities.

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

For the safety of the tenants and residents of Fairway View Senior Communities, Donnie’s Diner is closed until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the health of our seniors is our number one priority.

Please click the link below for tips from the CDC on what you can do to help keep your household ready.

There is a lot of misinformation currently circulating. Click here for the CDC’s list of COVID-19 FAQs.

Monday, March 9th, 2020

The Ortonville Area Health Services Coronavirus Response Team is meeting twice weekly to discuss the information we are collecting from state and national sources regarding data on the spread of coronavirus and recommended actions to take. We are particularly concerned about the health and wellness of our seniors and persons of all ages with chronic illnesses. Beginning Tuesday, March 10th, we will be implementing additional screening questions for patients with appointments at the clinic and hospital. Fairway View Senior Communities continues to discourage visitors who have symptoms of the illness. FWV is also informing groups that host meetings on-site that they will have to find an alternative meeting place for the near future.

This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. The risk may change daily and so will our level of response. We recommend that community members turn to the CDC for reliable information and direction regarding Coronavirus. We will routinely post updates on this page regarding precautionary measures we are taking at our hospital, clinic, home health, and senior community.

The one overarching message we want to pass along is that we are looking to the CDC as our one source of truth when it comes to COVID-19 information. Below you will find a link to their website.




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