National Immunization Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance
to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages.

  • NIAM was established to encourage people of all ages to make sure they
    are up to date on the vaccines recommended for them.
  • Communities have continued to use the month of August each year to
    raise awareness about the important role vaccines play in preventing
    serious, sometimes deadly, diseases.
  • Immunization is a shared responsibility. Families, healthcare
    professionals, and public health officials must work together to help
    protect the entire community.

Talk to your health care professional to make sure your family is up to date on all the recommended vaccines.

  • Back-to-school appointments are a perfect time to make sure your
    children are up-to-date on all the vaccines recommended for them.
  • Because vaccines aren’t just for kids, you can take CDC’s Adult Vaccine
    Quiz to find out which vaccines may be recommended for you. Take the
    customized printout to discuss with your doctor at your next healthcare
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