The ETA (Etiquette Toward Achievement) OASIS Team has the following project goals: 1) Create a living document of the OAHS Standards of Conduct, 2) Educate all caregivers on our Standards of Conduct, and 3)Keep our Standards of Conduct alive with staffing owning the Standards of Conduct.
The Now Boarding, Fasten Your Seatbelt OASIS Team is focused on ensuring new caregivers feel welcomed, supported, and well-prepared to thrive in their roles. By guiding new team members through their first days and maintaining ongoing support, this group helps foster a positive work environment that encourages long-term commitment and success.
The SOAR (Shout Out and Recognize) OASIS Team is tasked with formally acknowledging caregivers for their exceptional contributions to both organizational success and the satisfaction of those under our care. Caregivers who are recognized and feel like they are seen tend to stay at their job longer than those who are not recognized. It is important for caregivers to know they are seen and appreciated.