Request for Proposal

Request for Proposal

Construction Management Services for Ortonville Area Health Services


Ortonville Area Health Services (OAHS) is seeking a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) to provide preconstruction and construction services for the construction repairs because of a 2021 hailstorm.


The project includes repairs to siding, roofing, HVAC, and electrical equipment at OAHS’s Fairway View Senior Communities Facility.


OAHS is interested in engaging a firm that exhibits the following characteristics:

  • Strong construction management experience with examples of similar construction projects
  • A demonstrated ability to achieve value, quality construction, and remain within the project budget
  • A demonstrated ability to integrate the concepts of sustainability into the project. This includes energy efficiency, use of environmentally sound building materials and construction methods, construction waste management and prevention, and creating a healthy indoor and outdoor environment
  • A willingness to participate as a positive influence in solving problems and designing a structure as part of a project team
  • A demonstrated ability to obtain qualified competitive bids and work effectively with all trades, union and non-union, to complete the project on time.


Cover Letter:

  • Include name and address of the firm(s) and project contact person with address, telephone number, and email Acknowledge receipt of any addenda if applicable. Summarize your understanding of the project scope and services being required. Provide a statement indicating your ability to provide timely services for this project and to meet the requirements of the proposed schedule. Indicate your acceptance of the requirements of this RFP including the referenced Owner/Contractor Agreement documents. Provide a one-page summary of the benefits you believe the Owner would receive from selecting your firm. The cover letter must be signed by a duly authorized official of the firm. Consortiums, joint ventures, or teams submitting proposals must establish contractual responsibility solely with one company or one legal entity. Each submittal should indicate the entity responsible for execution on behalf of the proposal team.

Project Team:

  • Include an organizational chart showing your proposed staff for both the preconstruction and construction phases of the project. Specifically identify project executive, project manager and on-site day-to-day project superintendent for the construction phase, the availability of each person during the term of the project and their history of working together on previous projects.  Indicate experience of key team members working together on past projects.
  • Provide résumés or a listing of information for each person included in your proposed project team. State the educational background of each individual, years of experience, length of employment with your firm, and previous project experience. For each person, list specific responsibilities on this project, experience on projects of similar sizes and types, specific qualifications applicable to this project, and current work assignments and availability for this project.
  • List other assignments your Project Manager will be handling during the period of assignment to our project.
  • For the Project Manager, Superintendent, and other “key” staff members proposed, provide client references from two of their most recent projects and two architect/engineer references (contact person and telephone number).

Project Approach and Management Capabilities:

Provide a description of your project approach and management capabilities as it relates to the following areas:

  • Commitment to building positive team working relationships
  • Describe you firm’s approach to preconstruction services
  • Describe the level of detail included in your cost estimates at various phases of design
  • Submit a preliminary overall project schedule for the key activities from the date of notice to proceed through project construction
  • Include a description of your organization’s approach to managing safety on construction projects. Also include an overview of your company’s recent safety record and your company’s experience modification rate (EMR) for the last three (3) years.
  • Include a description of your organization’s approach to quality control on construction projects.

Relevant Project Experience:

Describe a minimum of two (2), similar projects in size, region, and scope constructed within the past ten (10) years. Also please provide examples of other projects that required high humidity environments. Provide information on each project that will allow the Selection Committee to evaluate your work against the selection criteria noted in this RFP. Indicate for each project the following minimum information:

  • Name of project, location, and construction date
  • Types of multi-purpose functions included in project
  • Client and architect contact information. Include phone number and e-mail address.

Statement of Financial Strength/Stability and Insurance Coverage:

Provide the following information about your firm:

  • Name and contact of your organization’s surety and description of bonding capacity available. Additionally, provide a statement from a surety company authorized to do business in Minnesota indicating the firm(s) ability to obtain a performance and payment bond in the amount of not less than $10 million.
  • Name of your insurance carriers and a description of the insurance coverage your firm could provide.
  • Name and contact information for your primary bank.

Acknowledgement and certification statements:

  • Certify that your Response to RFP will remain in effect for 30 days.
  • Certify that all representations stated in the Response to RFP are true and accurate.
  • Acknowledge that all materials submitted in Response to RFP will become property of OAHS.
  • Acknowledge that all costs associated with preparation of the Response to RFP will be the responsibility of the proposing CMAR.


Proposals shall be addressed “OAHS Hail Repairs Project” and received by email to Shane Ayres at [email protected] no later than 4 p.m., April 7, 2022.


The selection committee will determine a short list of no more than three firms whose proposals are deemed most qualified based on the following criteria:

  • Company background and applicable experience
  • Project approach and management capabilities
  • Financial and bonding capacity
  • Other Factors deemed applicable

The short list of those firms deemed most qualified will be invited to participate in an interview if required. OAHS reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and issue subsequent Requests for Proposals. The selection committee will rely on the qualitative informationcontained and presented in the proposals, interviews, and reference checks in making the decision to select the most qualified firm to provide services for this project. Selection criteria will be based on:

  • Experience, qualifications, and availability of proposed team leaders
  • Broader team structure
  • History of project team working together on similar projects
  • Technical work process
  • Proposal, interview, and response
  • General Conditions and fee
  • Other factors deemed applicable

Upon completion of the interviews, the firms will be ranked. OAHS will start negotiations of the contract with the highest ranking firm.  If an agreement for services cannot be reached with the highest ranked firm, OAHS will move to the second ranked firm. The same process will be repeated with the other ranked firms if no such agreement can be reached. OAHS reserves the right to not select a firm as part of this process if an agreement cannot be reached with the interviewed firms. Acceptance of a proposal shall be by written notice to the construction manager submitting the accepted proposal and by simultaneously notifying in writing the other construction managers that their proposals were not accepted.

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