Ortonville Area Health Services welcomes Grant Botker, M.D. who joins our professional staff of practitioners. Dr. Botker will begin seeing patients at Northside Medical Clinic in September 2014.
Welcome Dr. Grant Botker
Health Information Management Department Receives Excellence in Birth Registration Award
Birth records are a necessity for every patient. Every hospital is required to complete birth registration forms for every baby born in the facility. The data contained within the forms is collected by Minnesota Department of Health Office of Vital Records and submitted to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The MDH Office of Vital Records monitors the timeliness and completeness of birth registrations in all Minnesota facilities. Ortonville Area Health Services was notified that the Health Information Management department received the Excellence in Birth Registration Award.
The standard the MDH establishes is that all birth registrations are completed in full and submitted within five days of each birth. The medical facilities that fully complete and submit 98 percent of birth registrations within five days of birth receive the Excellence in Birth Registration Award. For the calendar year 2013, 57 of 104 medical facilities that deliver babies in Minnesota were honored with this award. A greater accomplishment is that of the 57 facilities that received the award, only 19 of those facilities submitted 100 percent of birth registrations within the five day time frame. Ortonville Area Health Services is one of the only 19 medical facilities in Minnesota that submitted 100 percent of birth registrations within the five day window.
This award highlights the Health Information Management team and the excellence of their work. The primary person at OAHS responsible for birth registrations is Kristen Ohm, and her back-up is Joett Nicholson. This award, and achieving 100 percent of our birth registrations completed in full and submitted on time, highlights the teamwork and dedication of Kristen and Joett. Congratulations!
OAHS Recognized by March of Dimes
As a physician at Northside Medical Clinic/Ortonville Area Health Services, I see many pregnant women who are a few weeks from a full-term pregnancy and are feeling really uncomfortable. Some are ready to schedule a delivery by induction or cesarean section before they have reached their 39th or 40th week of pregnancy. They know friends or family members whose doctors have agreed to schedule such a delivery.
But I know that healthy babies are worth the wait. At least 39 weeks of pregnancy are crucial to a baby’s health – and I won’t schedule a delivery before that unless there is a medical necessity. Here at Ortonville Area Health Services, we’ve made a pledge to give babies a healthy start in life. In December 2013 we were recognized by the March of Dimes and Minnesota Hospital Association for this work. We have reduced the number of early deliveries that are medically unnecessary. When the award was received at the beginning of December, OAHS had 67 total births (more since that date) and 15 deliveries of those births were prior to the 39 weeks and only 4 of these were inductions or 6% of our deliveries. All 4 of these inductions were medically necessary.
Development of critical organs, including the brain, lungs, and liver, occurs during the last weeks of pregnancy. Research published last year shows the risk of infant death doubles when a baby is born at 37 weeks of pregnancy as compared to 39 or 40 weeks.
I have been working with the March of Dimes and our hospital to eliminate the medically unnecessary c-sections and inductions before 39 weeks of pregnancy because all babies deserve the best opportunity for a health start in life. We are proud of this recognition of our work by the March of Dimes and the Minnesota Hospital Association.
Welcome 2013 Christmas Baby!
We Grew by 38 Feet!
OAHS Receives Press Ganey 2013 Guardian of Excellence Award
Ortonville Area Health Services Receives Press Ganey 2013 Guardian of Excellence AwardSM for
Achieving 95th Percentile in Patient Satisfaction
November 27, 2013: Ortonville Area Health Services is proud to announce it has been named a 2013 Guardian of Excellence Award winner by Press Ganey Associates, Inc. The Guardian of Excellence Award recognizes top-performing facilities that consistently achieved the 95th percentile of performance in Patient Satisfaction.
The Press Ganey Guardian of Excellence Award is a health care industry symbol of achievement. Fewer than 5% of all Press Ganey clients reach this threshold and consistently maintain it for the one year reporting period. Press Ganey partners with more than 10,000 health care facilities, including more than half of all U.S. hospitals, to measure and improve the patient experience.
“We are proud to partner with Ortonville Area Health Services,” said Patrick T. Ryan, CEO of Press Ganey. “Achieving this level of excellence reflects the organization’s commitment to delivering outstanding service and quality. OAHS’s efforts benefit patients in the Ortonville area and will lead to improved patient experiences.”
“We are honored to be recognized with this award, “said Richard Ash, CEO. Providing the best possible care for our patients is our mission and this award is a direct reflection of the commitment and dedication of everyone at OAHS toward achieving that mission. It’s important to recognize that this award is the result of the combined teamwork of everyone. Excellent patient care is the culmination of teamwork of everyone at OAHS; every department, every person, every patient, every day. This award confirms that.
OAHS has committed to provide patient centered care to each patient and their family. Ways the OAHS Inpatient Unit provides such care is by providing hourly rounding, bedside report and whiteboards for communication for each patient and their family benefits. Each patient’s care is individualized to meet their needs when they require a hospital stay. The dedicated caring professionals are committed to doing all they can to make the stay as comfortable as possible. “It is truly an honor to know our patients reported the care they received exceeded their expectations. It is our faithful patients that awarded OAHS and we thank each of you for committing to receiving your healthcare at OAHS.” Jennifer Wiik, MA, RN, Director of Nursing comments.
Press Ganey Associates, Inc.
Recognized as a leader in performance improvement for nearly 30 years, Press Ganey partners with more than 10,000 health care organizations worldwide to create and sustain high-performing organizations, and, ultimately, improve the overall health care experience. The company offers a comprehensive portfolio of solutions to help clients operate efficiently, improve quality, increase market share and optimize reimbursement. Press Ganey works with clients from across the continuum of care – hospitals, medical practices, home care agencies and other providers – including 50 percent of all U.S. hospitals. For more information, visit www.pressganey.com.
King Merv Redfield & Queen Karon Giese
OAHS Announces Winners at Big Stone County Fair Booth
Bean Bag Toss was a popular event at the Big Stone County Fair and there were many qualifiers for both the KindleFire HD (over 12 years of age) and the Kindle (ages 12 and below). The winner of the KindleFire HD is pictured at right, Bob Ward of Graceville, receiving his prize from OAHS employee, DIane Dwyer.
The Kindle winner is Duke McTighe receiving his prize from OAHS employee, Beth Swanson.
Thanks to all who visited our booth and played the game!
OAHS Recognized for Excellence in Patient Safety
Ortonville Area Health Services recognized for excellence in patient safety
Ortonville Area Health Services has been recognized by the Minnesota Hospital Association (MHA) for superior performance in patient safety as part of its Hospital Engagement Network. The MHA Hospital Engagement Network is focused on improving 10 hospital acquired conditions with the goals of reducing hospital acquired conditions by 40 percent and readmissions by 20 percent.
Ortonville Area Health Services has shown positive scores on 9 of the focus areas (1 area is not applicable for OAHS), including adverse drug events; catheter-associated urinary tract infections; central-line-associated blood stream infections; injuries from falls and immobility; obstetrical adverse events; pressure ulcers; preventable readmissions; surgical site infections; and venous thromboembolism. It was among 30 hospitals recognized by MHA for demonstrating high performance on three or more hospital acquired conditions.
Ortonville Area Health Services is helping to further strengthen patient safety in Minnesota and contributing to the state’s well -deserved reputation for high quality health care,” said Lawrence Massa, MHA president and CEO.
Ortonville Area Health Services strives to provide the best possible care to each and every patient. The medical surgical team partnered with MHA in multiple areas to learn of best practices from other facilities and have initiated multiple best practice practices in the facility.
Decreasing readmissions is a hot topic in the health care world. OAHS has implemented several interventions to prevent readmissions: education to providers and nursing staff, post follow up phone calls and pharmacy one on one visit to patients who have multiple medical issues, on new medications or have a new diagnosis. Home Health has also gotten involved with providing home monitoring equipment in patients’ homes for patients with congestive heart failure. Multidisciplinary approaches to patient care make a positive difference in the overall care of patients.
Ortonville Area Health Services’ Mission is to “Provide personalized, high quality and compassionate care through caring professionals in a healing environment”. Inherent in that mission is to provide safe, effective, patient-centered care to those we serve. Our partnership with the Minnesota Hospital Association provides increased support and resources for the work of our quality and safety teams. This award is evidence of our staff’s commitment to continually improving the safety, quality and reliability of their work. On behalf of the employees, physicians, and volunteers at OAHS, we are honored to receive this recognition.
For more information about Minnesota hospitals’ patient safety initiatives, go to http://http://www.mnhospitals.org/patient-safety
OAHS Mammography Earns ACR Accreditation
Ortonville Area Health Services Radiology Earns ACR Accreditation
Ortonville, MN —Ortonville Area Health Services has been awarded a three-year term of accreditation in mammography as the result of a recent review by the American College of Radiology (ACR). Mammography is a specific type of imaging test that uses a low-dose x-ray system to examine breasts. A mammography exam, called a mammogram, is used to aid in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women.
The ACR gold seal of accreditation represents the highest level of image quality and patient safety. It is awarded only to facilities meeting ACR Practice Guidelines and Technical Standards after a peer-review evaluation by board-certified physicians and medical physicists who are experts in the field. Image quality, personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment, quality control procedures, and quality assurance programs are assessed. The findings are reported to the ACR Committee on Accreditation, which subsequently provides the practice with a comprehensive report they can use for continuous practice improvement.
The ACR is a national professional organization serving more than 36,000 diagnostic/interventional radiologists, radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and medical physicists with programs focusing on the practice of medical imaging and radiation oncology and the delivery of comprehensive health care services.
Congratulations to the Radiology/Mammography Department of Ortonville Area Health Services on the award!