Billing and Insurance

It is part of Ortonville Area Health Services (OAHS) mission to provide high-quality patient care with consideration for patient’s financial status.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Patient Financial Services department.

Patient Financial Services Department
[email protected]
Monday through Friday 8am-4:30 pm
Directly Behind Central Registration Desk Area


OAHS offers a variety of payment options. Please have your account number/information readily available when making a payment.

Payments may be made over the phone with a checking account or credit card by contacting Patient Financial Services Department.

Payments can be mailed to:
Ortonville Area Health Services
Attn: Patient Financial Services
450 Eastvold Ave
Ortonville,  MN 56278

You may also make an online payment via your Mychart Portal.

Payment Plans

OAHS offers a variety of payment options for patients/guarantors needing assistance paying their medical bills. To establish an acceptable payment plan, patients/guarantors must contact Patient Financial Services. Mailing in a payment without contacting Patient Financial Services staff is not considered a formal payment plan and will not stop collection activity.

Collections Policy
Collections Policy – Spanish

Prompt Pay Discount

OAHS offers a 15% Prompt Pay Discount to all self-pay balances when paid in full within 30 days of date of your statement. To receive the Prompt Pay Discount you must contact Patient Financial Services.  The Prompt Pay Discount is effective June 1, 2019.

Attorney General Discount

OAHS offers a 15% discount to all patients who do not have health insurance. The Attorney General Discount form must be signed and presented to Patient Financial Services before discount will be applied to account. The Attorney General Discount is effective June 1, 2019.

Financial Assistance

It is the mission of OAHS to provide care to patients in need, regardless of their ability to pay. Patients/guarantors who meet set guidelines may qualify for a possible discount on bills through OAHS.

Financial Assistance Policy
Financial Assistance Policy – Spanish
Financial Assistance Program Application
Financial Assistance Program Application -Spanish

If you are having difficulty completing your application or have a question/concern please contact Patient Financial Services.

Helpful Links

Medicaid Applications – By clicking the appropriate state below you will be redirected to a state-specific Medicaid application page.
South Dakota

Information on Medicare and Medicare plans:

Common Insurance/Billing definitions:

Minnesota’s online marketplace for health insurance coverage:

Balance Billing Disclosure – (Surprise Billing)

Good Faith Estimates

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do if I cannot pay my balance in full?
OAHS offers a variety of payment options for patients/guarantors that cannot pay their balance in full. Please contact Patient Financial Services for more information on flexible payment plans and applying for Financial Assistance.

How do I know if OAHS participates with my insurance company?
OAHS does participate with most major commercial insurance carriers; however, OAHS staff cannot guarantee or provide you with this information. We strongly encourage you to check with your health insurance plan prior to your appointment to make sure OAHS and medical staff are participating providers for your particular plan.

Where can I get an estimated cost for services I will be having done at OAHS?
To obtain a cost estimate please contact Patient Financial Services Department.

What should I bring with me for an appointment at OAHS?
We always recommend you bring the following:
-Insurance card(s)
-Current photo ID
-Copayment, if required by your insurance company
-List of current medications

What is an ABN?
An Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN), also known as a waiver of liability, is a notice you should receive when a provider or supplier offers you a service or item they believe Medicare will not cover.
For more information on ABN’s see the CMS Reference ABN Booklet:

Why did I receive a bill from another facility?
OAHS partners with other medical facilities to offer our patients the best care possible. You may receive separate bills from our Outreach Specialty providers, fees for reading radiology exams by a radiologist, certain pathology services provided by Sanford Pathology, Labs that are sent to Sanford Labs, Mayo or other laboratories. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these bills please contact the number listed on your statement.

What do I do if my claim involves Work Comp?
It is the patient’s responsibility to notify our office that the service should be billed to workers’ compensation and to provide our office with the pertinent information. If we do not receive Workers’ compensation information bills will the responsibility of the patient.

In order to help us facilitate getting your claim paid we will need you and/or your employer to contact our Patient Financial Services department with the following information:
-Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company Name
-Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company Address
-Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company Contact Telephone Number
-Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company Contact Fax Number
-Date of Injury
-Claim number
-Employers’ Name
-Employers’ Address
-Employers’ Contact Telephone Number
-Employers’ Contact Fax Number

What do I do if my claim is due to a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) or other liability accident?
It is the patient’s responsibility to notify our office if the services are due to a MVA or other liability accident. OAHS does not participate with these types of liability insurance companies but will supply patient with the claim(s) so patient can forward to appropriate liability insurance company. If after 3 months we’ve not received payment from insurance company, patient may be liable for the bill.


For questions, please contact our Patient Financial Services Department at [email protected].
Or by phone at 320-839-4096

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