Northside Medical Clinic Receives 2015 Quality Award

Clinic Quality Award 2015The Minnesota Health Action Group, The Minnesota Bridges to Excellence Champions of Change and the State of Minnesota Quality Incentive Payment System public purchasers, recently recognized Northside Medical Clinic – Ortonville Area Health Services for meeting the improvement goal for the Optimal Vascular Care Quality measure in 2015.


The Minnesota Health Action Group is the only Minnesota organization whose sole purpose is to represent the collective voice of those who pay the bill for health care — employers, public purchasers, and individuals. It organizational goals are to drive innovation, collaboration and engagement in ways that improve health care and ensure the economic vitality of all Minnesota communities.


The Minnesota Bridges to Excellence (MNBTE) program advances both care delivery and outcomes by rewarding clinics for meeting or exceeding a strict set of care standards for patients with diabetes, depression, and vascular disease. These conditions are known to be primary drivers of health care costs.

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