OAHS Recognized for Excellence in Patient Safety

Patient Safety Award smaller 

Ortonville Area Health Services recognized for excellence in patient safety


Ortonville Area Health Services has been recognized by the Minnesota Hospital Association (MHA) for superior performance in patient safety as part of its Hospital Engagement Network. The MHA Hospital Engagement Network is focused on improving 10 hospital acquired conditions with the goals of reducing hospital acquired conditions by 40 percent and readmissions by 20 percent.

Ortonville Area Health Services has shown positive scores on 9 of the focus areas (1 area is not applicable for OAHS), including adverse drug events; catheter-associated urinary tract infections; central-line-associated blood stream infections; injuries from falls and immobility; obstetrical adverse events; pressure ulcers; preventable readmissions; surgical site infections; and venous thromboembolism. It was among 30 hospitals recognized by MHA for demonstrating high performance on three or more hospital acquired conditions.

Ortonville Area Health Services is helping to further strengthen patient safety in Minnesota and contributing to the state’s well -deserved reputation for high quality health care,” said Lawrence Massa, MHA president and CEO.

Ortonville Area Health Services strives to provide the best possible care to each and every patient.  The medical surgical team partnered with MHA in multiple areas to learn of best practices from other facilities and have initiated multiple best practice practices in the facility.

Decreasing readmissions is a hot topic in the health care world.  OAHS has implemented several interventions to prevent readmissions:  education to providers and nursing staff, post follow up phone calls and pharmacy one on one visit to patients who have multiple medical issues, on new medications or have a new diagnosis.  Home Health has also gotten involved with providing home monitoring equipment in patients’ homes for patients with congestive heart failure.  Multidisciplinary approaches to patient care make a positive difference in the overall care of patients.

Ortonville Area Health Services’ Mission  is to “Provide personalized, high quality and compassionate care through  caring professionals in a healing environment”. Inherent in that mission is to provide safe, effective, patient-centered care to those we serve. Our partnership with the Minnesota Hospital Association provides increased support and resources for the work of our quality and safety teams.  This award is evidence of our staff’s commitment to continually improving the safety, quality and reliability of their work. On behalf of the employees, physicians, and volunteers at OAHS, we are honored to receive this recognition.



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