Archives for January 2016

2016 New Year’s Baby

2016 New Years Baby

2016 New Years Baby

The FIRST BABY BORN IN 2016 at the Ortonville Hospital was Dexter Pinkert-Wellnitz. Dexter is the son of Kayla Pinkert and Jacob Wellnitz of Milbank, SD. He entered this world on Monday, Jan. 4th at 11:51am, weighing 8 lbs 2 oz. and measuring 21-1/2″ in length. Grandparents are Kim & Ron Bjerke, Paul & Alicia Pinkert and Chad & Lynn Wientjes, Dr. Susan Andersen delivered Dexter.

The basket in the picture includes gifts from OAHS and the OAHS Auxiliary.

2015 Christmas Baby

2015 Christmas BabyTHE  2015  OAHS CHRISTMAS  BABY  is Kipton Weber. Kipton is the son of Tony and Katie Weber of Ortonville, MN. He was born on Dec. 18th at 8:48am, was 20 inches long and weighed 6 lbs., 14 oz.  Grandparents are David and Janet Weber and Janet and Kenny Hedge. Kipton has two older siblings Kylie and Tony Jr. (JR).

The basket in the picture includes gifts from OAHS and the OAHS Auxiliary.

Dr. Bob Ross has a special relationship with this family as he has delivered all five of them.


Patient Satisfaction Surveys from Ortonville Area Health Services

Patient Satisfaction Surveys, we have all received them and we have all probably thought the same thing when we open them: “Really…another one?!” Maybe it’s time for us to explain why you receive patient satisfaction surveys and the important role that they have in the care that you receive.

Healthcare organizations are required on both the state and federal level, to survey patients to improve patient satisfaction. OAHS currently partners with a company called Press Ganey to manage our survey & reporting process.  Press Ganey is a highly regarded strategic partner to more than 20,000 health care organizations & provides a highly secure and private process for deploying surveys.

Surveys give patients the opportunity and freedom to share about their experiences.  No matter what brings you to a healthcare facility, health care can be stressful and overwhelming. With that understanding we are always looking for ways to make your experience as positive as possible and that is where the surveys come in.  What you experience matters! Whether you had to park too far away or perhaps the exam room was chilly, we want to know about it. Responses and Survey scores help us to know what we do well and help to identify ways of improving health care for you the patient.

Finding areas that we can improve on will always be one of our most important goals. However we also understand the importance or celebrating things that go well. We share the overall data results with our staff members and use the information to both celebrate successes and target areas that we can improve on.

Following any visit at OAHS you may receive a patient survey in the mail.  If you receive a survey in the mail or via email, please take the opportunity to let us know what we did well, and how we can improve.  OAHS appreciates the time you take to respond to the survey and we want to partner with you to improve the services we provide.   We are interested in your feedback, we are interested in improving quality and just want to do things better.   Our focus is you.

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