Kidney Dialysis Unit
Ortonville Area Health Services and Prairie Lakes Healthcare System in Watertown, SD have partnered to bring kidney dialysis services to the people in the Ortonville area. The Kidney Dialysis unit, operated by Prairie Lakes, is located in the Robert S. Ross building. Ortonville Area Health Services recognized the need for kidney dialysis services in the Ortonville area. By partnering with Prairie Lakes, OAHS expanded its scope of services and brought this life-saving service to the people in the community.
What is Kidney Dialysis?
Kidney dialysis is a medical treatment used when kidney failure occurs. At the Prairie Lakes Kidney Dialysis Unit at Ortonville, patients with end stage renal disease are treated through hemodialysis during which the patient’s blood is sent through a machine where the blood if filtered of waste and excess fluid and returned back to the body. This treatment is performed on an outpatient basis and may last up to four or more hours. Before dialysis begins, the patient is assessed. During kidney dialysis, the patient is evaluated every 30 minutes. Between assessments, the patient’s medications are reviewed; lab work is performed; other patient and family concerns are addressed; and consults with the nephrologist and other medical professionals are made as needed. After treatment ends, the patient is assessed again prior to leaving the facility.
Ortonville Dialysis Units
The dialysis unit has seven comfortable dialysis chairs, each with its own television to help patients pass the time. Patients also enjoy reading doing puzzles, and sleeping.
Ortonville Service Schedule
Full-time kidney dialysis nurses staff the unit at Ortonville. Providing management and leadership are Prairie Lakes Dialysis Director, Jan Hansen, and a Medical Dialysis Director. A support staff comprised of a social worker, dietitian, pharmacist and a bio-med technician are also available to assist the medical staff with patient needs.
The kidney dialysis unit in Ortonville is equipped to accommodate up to 21 renal patients during a 3 day week. The schedule changes as the patient base increases and/or decreases.
How to Arrange for Services
A renal patient must have a referral from his or her physician to arrange for dialysis care at the Kidney Dialysis Unit in Ortonville. To inquire about services, or for more information, please call the Dialysis Director at 605-882-7782.